Thanks to Simon, my mate who also should be getting on with his work, I’ve found some not-reasy-to-come-by Boards of Canada MP3s that surely can’t stay on line for ever…. Dozer mp3 blog has some old tracks that you simply can’t buy anywhere any more, so that’s good use of the internet, and honourable mention to Scissorkick, who posted a BoC remix of a Beck tune. It actually works really well.
Going away for the weekend
Well I thought I’d better make a start…. been looking at a few blogs and thought it’s not all take take take you know….. I’m (we’re) off to Oxford this weekend to see Dips (- a friend – who is multi-faceted, but) who was involved in the Cheeky Guides. Great books. I got my photo in the second edition, wearing a fez.
Columbus cyclocross frame and forks for sale
CD: Metamusic 2004
With ten more tunes as slack as an old man’s pants, Minnellium have peeled back the layers, rolled back the years, and found their feet in the sounds of yesteryear. Some analogue synths, some more of the classic organ and electric piano, and even a few horns. But don’t worry – there’s still enough abrasive beats to sand the floorboards of a larger than average victorian semi.
Best enjoyed with some chilled meal and a nice plate of wine.
It’s still my favourite album I’ve done and think that all the tracks ork well together – less electric and more eclectic Continue reading “CD: Metamusic 2004”