Near my office window

Sixteen panning mini photos of the NCP car park on Whitworth Street as seen from the third floor of Bridgewater House. Tell me you’ve seen this before, and I’ll be surprised.

Click here to view this and a series of other photos all taken within about three hundred metrees from my place of work on the new work camera over lunch time. All tweaking done in piccasa.

Them were’t days.

Fantastic poster. Says more about britain in the war than you could ever get across on one sheet of paper. Ace.  Simple but funny.

What I enjoyed today

One of my favourite never-made-it internet musicians is Spitznagel… this is a person who makes his music so eclectic and lacking in boundaries – I always enjoy a listen. Avant Garde and sometimes very challenging, it’s always a rewardeing listen…. have a listen yourself to Black Moon, by SPITZNAGEL

Tune: “Forget all this occurred”.

Forget all this occurred is my latest tune that has been in the making on and off for 18 months or so.

I never got round to having a good sit down and finishing it off, but I’ve sort of done here. It’s hosted on and you can listen in slightly lower bitrate WMA format or join Acidplanet for free and download it as a full blown shiny MP3.

Google ?? But not as we know it.

After holding out longer than any other major internet company, Google will effectively become another brick in the great firewall of China when it starts filtering out information that it believes the government will not approve of.

Another brick in the great firewall of China. It can’t last.

BBC – Radio 4 – Farming Today

My brother Phil was talking at length about grass on BBC Radio 4’s – Farming Today this morning. You can use the ‘Listen Again’ feature to hear him taliing about controlled grassland experiements looking at different combined traits from various species and their effects on things like surface run-off and the effects on people living in flooding catchments…. as opposed to using other interventions to stop flooding…. if you’re interested.

Jan 2006 – Bouncing

Click Here Just hanging about the house – including a few shots to see the slow but sure progress on the work there. Lily loves to bounce. It’s plain to see.  I sort of know what she means – you forget what fun it all is when you grow up.

A new poem

Haven’t written a poem for ages and one worked its way into my head this morning on a drizzly cycle commute into work…..

Lesley Judd
God, she was good –
all these years and she
still gives me wood.
I didn’t actually know her
like that Singleton witch
or Percy Thrower,
But I still get the itch.

What band am I ?

you are fear factory
I am Fear Factory. I’m a a revolutionary who
is angered by the conformity and autonomy of today’s society. I am sickened by scandals such as MTV, and respond by fighting back. Internally, I am very emotional. I hide this by keeping a cold and dark exterior.

What metal band are you?
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