MTB Ride: Mary Townley Loop

Had a lovely day today. My training rides these days tend to be not much more than an hour in length. This has its advantages – you can go out and totally hammer yourself for an hour or so and get all the training benefit; I really believe that if you want to be fit to race well you can gain little from pounding out the miles. Greg Lemond agreed too in an excellent article in one of last year’s ProCycling magazine articles.

However, training theories aside, there comes the odd day when you really just fancy a long ride on yer bike! Continue reading “MTB Ride: Mary Townley Loop”

A slow recovery

I had my checkup earlier today at the hospital 34 days after my crash at Lee Quarry that gave me a broken collarbone.  I’m so intrigued about the healing process that my body has gone through so far. When I first had my X-Ray on the day of the fracture, I was a bit shocked to see how clearly ‘snapped’ the bone was – with the two ‘pieces’ about two centimetres apart from each other.
Continue reading “A slow recovery”

Nick Craig: A Vet, but not done yet

Just browsing through some fell running results and I see that 3 Peaks legend Nick Craig has been posting some of his best ever fell running results this year. This from the supposedly full-time bike rider.

See some of his recent running results here, including second to one of Rob Jebb’s main running rivals Lloyd Taggart a couple of times already this season.

Talking of Rob, most of you may have noticed that the recent birth of his first child – daughter Millie – doesn’t seem to have blunted his sword in any way – with a repeat performance of his 2008 Fred Whitton ride in the Lake District, placing equal first with former national hillclimb champion James Dobbin.

Happy Anniversary Phil & Anne


Originally uploaded by Phil Haygarth

Ten years today since my brother Phil got married to Anne – it was a lovely day in Devon – very sunny and warm – and I remember being a bit nervous as being best man for the only time in my life! (Update: My great friend and my best man Matthew has just reminded me I was his best man also!!  What an utter dope I am!)

I was also recovering from being sick from cider the evening before.

They’re in Paris today !

Jebb’s peaks domination continues

Robb Jebb’s seven three peaks cyclocross victories would be enough for most mortals, but it seems he can’t get enough.

In this year’s three peaks race (the running race, that is), Rob completing the 55th running of the 24 mile course in 2 hours, 54 minutes and 53 seconds, making it four wins in the running race since 2005.

Perhaps more special and notable in this year’s victory, was that Rob became a father on 25th March for the first time. Millie Hannah Jebb was born to Rob and Sharon, meaning that, rathr worryingly, fatherhood seems to have done nothing to dent Rob’s thirst for victory.

Full results from the fell race here.

Nikon D40 New camera

Just got a Nikon D40 int he post yesterday and am really dying to to give it a good try out. Have been limited to reading the manual in bed and snapping madly around the house at the moment. I honestly can’t fault it and it reminds me of the fantastic auto / manual simplicity of my best ever photography friend, the legendary Pentax ME Super. Watch my for uploads, piccie fans…

Broken left collarbone and 7 lug stitches

Not a very good day on the bike really. It was meant to be a relaxed reintroduction to mountainbike racing after ages off the sport but it turned out to be 20 minutes racing then a trip to Fairfield hospital via Mountain Rescue Land Rover and an ambulance.

Complicated feelings just now and I need to go back tomorrow to find out if the broken collarbone needs to be pinned. Continue reading “Broken left collarbone and 7 lug stitches”