Ages and ages since I’ve done a photo merge thingy. This building sort of made me want to do one. Amazing mausoleum in the peace gardens in Birmingham. Almost overpowering.
Tune: “Forget all this occurred”.
Forget all this occurred is my latest tune that has been in the making on and off for 18 months or so.
I never got round to having a good sit down and finishing it off, but I’ve sort of done here. It’s hosted on and you can listen in slightly lower bitrate WMA format or join Acidplanet for free and download it as a full blown shiny MP3.
Google ?? But not as we know it.
BBC – Radio 4 – Farming Today
My brother Phil was talking at length about grass on BBC Radio 4’s – Farming Today this morning. You can use the ‘Listen Again’ feature to hear him taliing about controlled grassland experiements looking at different combined traits from various species and their effects on things like surface run-off and the effects on people living in flooding catchments…. as opposed to using other interventions to stop flooding…. if you’re interested.
Jan 2006 – Bouncing
A new poem
What band am I ?
I am Fear Factory. I’m a a revolutionary who
is angered by the conformity and autonomy of today’s society. I am sickened by scandals such as MTV, and respond by fighting back. Internally, I am very emotional. I hide this by keeping a cold and dark exterior.
What metal band are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ulverston Cyclo-Cross report
A report by Adrian Dalglish in the Lancaster Guardian makes me sound thoroughly ace.
Flicking hell.
Quarter is a film that shows that, despite having way too much time on their hands, some utter losers have an immense wasted talent. Just watch it.
Dec 05: It’s Chriiiiistmaaaas!
December 05: The run up to Christmas
Blowing the trumpet
Ever the one to blow my own trumpet (if only I could reach it), I thought it’s worth a cyclo-cross update. I’ve now won the North West cyclo cross league with still two rounds to go. Nice feeling. Warm glow, etc. But…. the icing on the cake came on Sunday 18th December, on a freeeeeeezing day at Beacon Hill park a few miles from Wigan when I managed my first victory of the season. Hooraaaaah! There was a slightly smaller field (46 signed on at the start) but I made it convincing, clearing off straight from the start and extending my lead on each of the seven laps of the woodland / hillside circuit. The slight down side was that it was so cold that there was a tiny gathering of spectators to see me come over the line in first place, but that’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Piccie courtesy of Ian McVety, from the previous week’s race at Ulverston.. (where I was second). Barrie Clarke struggles in the background…!