I always saw ‘winter sun’ holidays as being something involving the Canary Islands or such like. But with the winter we’ve had, I came to realise that even plonking your weary winter body 6000 feet up in the snowy mountains provided more than enough vitamin D to cheer up the winter blues. Our holiday certainly did the trick of topping up the cheer.
And so it ought to, really. Ski holidays don’t often come cheap. This one was a killer on the wallet – for complicated reasons. Friends Matthew and Holly had initially suggested it and we broke with our promise-to-selves of …
- not going in half term (flights are top-end £s)
- and not going to La Plagne (ski lift passes are top-end £s)
- queues galore for lifts, flights, hire cars, ski hire….
… but this was our one chance to go away with friends Matthew and Holly who we’ve never quite managed to get together with and so we gritted our teeth and swallowed the costs – including a pretty decent apartment, hire car to get there etc. Ouch.
Best laid plans o’ mice and men.
It was shortly after booking that Holly did her back in. Initially something we all thought / hoped there was plenty of time to recover from, they had to make the decision to not come on the holiday about 3 weeks before the start. A nasty back injury and there was no way they could come.
So we found ourselves in a sticky situation of not being abl to cancel on our own insurance, whilst having booked a holiday we wouldn’t have booked if it was just the four of us.

In the final few days before, we managed to get Tom along (Lily’s Tom) – and that lifted spirits a bit in that it brought someone new along. It also meant that the hire car from Grenoble was a bit of a squeeze, but we managed fine.
The holiday itself was just ace. Fresh air, fun, frolics, not too many painful limbs or extremities, and … bright sunshine away from storms Ciara and Dennis.
Also met old work friend Ian’s brother (Max) and his wife (Karen) for a drink which was lovely – they have a place there and go out regularly.
Photos here on Google and a vid below